Picking Up an S15

Picking Up an S15

While I was in Iwakuni, Eric from Kunigan asked if I could run up to Osaka with him to pick up the S15 he just purchased. It took a good bit of searching to find the right one and instead of having it delivered, heading up to Osaka and driving it back seemed like the cheapest option.

In Japan taking the train somewhere is usually the best option. We jumped on the local line from Iwakuni station and then switched to the shinkansen (bullet train) heading to Osaka from there. It was actually Eric's first time on the shin and he was understandably impressed with getting to Osaka station in under 2 hours.

From Osaka station it was only short ride on a local line and in a cab and we were at Fate, the dealer Eric bought his S15 from. They had a handful of nice cars on-hand including the S15 in the picture above. If I recall correctly they were asking 1.4 million yen for it.

After looking around they asked us to come upstairs to go through the paperwork. The salesman we were dealing with used to work for C-West and is a drifter himself so Eric ended up showing him a bunch of footage of his Skyline at Hadashi. Apparently the S15 was stored in another location so a staffer had to go pick it up. Eventually they told us the S15 was arriving soon.

We made our way back downstairs and chatted for a few more minutes and then the S15 rolled up.

It's a bit strange to see a completely stock S15 in Japan, but Eric really wanted to start with a blank slate. It took a bit of searching, but we definitely found a good base for him to build on. You can expect plenty of posts of his build. The drift season is coming up so it's going to happen fast.